Communicator (communicator) wrote,


The Nordic Noir film talk was good. The discussion wasn't exactly ground-breaking, but it jogged along pleasantly enough, with plenty of snippets from films and TV shows. The two presenters were very informed, and I got the impression they were pitching the discussion below what they were capable of. I would have liked them to fly a little. But they knew all the people involved and had some gossipy insights. One of the presenters was Barry Forshaw author of Death in a Cold Climate, an overview of the genre, which I will probably buy (they sold out in the University bookshop - poor planning).

The feature film they showed was Headhunter, a Norwegian film which comes out in April. It's not a typical Nordic Noir film. It's quite colourful and almost American in style, and indeed an American version is due later in the year, starring Mark Wahlberg. It reminded me a little of the other Norwegian film I have seen recently - Troll Hunter - in being funny in a violent and deadpan way. Oh, and also in making the most of the beautiful precipitous scenery of Norway.

The film is about an amoral art thief (reminiscent of Ripley?) who works as an executive head-hunter as a cover for his robbing. And - what do you know - the tables are turned on him, and he is hunted. It's robust, fairly convoluted, a bit shallow, enjoyable.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

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