Photographer Howard Schatz had an idea: place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Such was the premise behind his book, In Character: Actors Acting, which captures some of Hollywood’s most emotive stars in the act of, well, making faces.
There are 31 actors in the sequence. John Slattery from Mad Men is the first, and I think he does a good job: three very different expressions which fit the little instructions he's been given. I know it's not a fair way to judge an actor, but some of them are noticeably better than others. You need to read the instructions they are following, or it doesn't really make sense.
I think the best is Mariska Hargitay from Law and Order SVU. Wouldn't have guessed that in advance. In one tiny face on a screen, made me well up. That's skill.
Other ones I liked, with various degrees of outrageous over-acting:
Brendan Fraser
Brooke Shields
Ian McShane
Michael Douglas
Amy Poehler