Communicator (communicator) wrote,

Mazel tov

Yesterday I spent at happytune's wedding. It was an Orthodox Jewish ceremony, but done in an unorthodox style. There was a lovely blend of traditional customs and unconventional artistic pleasures. The bride and groom were carried about in chairs held aloft. I danced in the women's dance. happytune and her beloved sang in Hebrew from The Chichester Psalms by Leonard Bernstein, and there was a very interesting long chanted blessing, with a cup of wine passed round between different men, some very black-hat orthodox, others more diverse in their back-story.

I felt that happytune had set herself a very difficult task, to bring together a disparate group of people, many of them very strong willed in their different ways, and to make everyone happy, while preserving her own integrity and not subsuming her own personality, or the nature of her bond with her new husband. It is a tribute to her extraordinary personality and strength of character, and selflessness, that it was so wonderful and successful in every way. There could not be a better foundation for her future relationship.

ETA - something that more or less passed me by, but at another stage in my life would have been a godsend - there were lots and lots of children, and happytune had thoughtfully arranged plenty of interesting things for them to do, suitable for different ages, including a treasure hunt. I was only peripherally aware of this, but I think it was a lot of work, and very kind for the parents.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

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