Communicator (communicator) wrote,


I have discovered a new board game that I like to play with my family: Pandemic. It is a co-operative game, which paradoxically of course means maximum arguments and shouting at each other - all good Christmas fun.

2-4 players take on roles which need to be combined to fight four global epidemics. I was the 'researcher' which meant I could pass on info to other players, my son was the 'scientist' which meant he could develop a cure, my niece was the Operations expert, which meant she could set up research stations, and my nephew was the medic which meant he could administer the cure once it was developed. So we had to work together to make that happen, and all the time the four plagues were spreading across the world. We managed to contain them but not eradicate them.

The whole thing takes somewhat less than an hour, and you can play it at three levels of difficulty. Recommended: I think it's a good choice if you want a swift fairly boisterous intelligent game, which can be played by bright kids and adults together. I am particularly keen on a game which can be adjusted for smaller and larger groups.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

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