But despite this I would not vote Lib Dem, under any circumstances. The reason is that I think Nick Clegg is prepared to enter into a coalition with the Tories. Perhaps in part for historical reasons, and whatever their other faults, the Labour Party would never do this. And that's my sticking place.
Why am I so allergic to the prospect of a Tory Government? I decided that if I was going to blog about this I would have to be as honest as possible. It's easy for me to criticise people for speaking in bad faith - but it's hard to cut my own bullshit.
To some extent it is visceral. To some extent it is because of the loathing I felt for the destruction and waste of the Thatcher years. I know that for many people this is very old stuff, which just doesn't figure in their calculations any more.
Further, I know many people think that, for good or ill, the major parties have settled into a new equilibrium, and that it matters only peripherally who implements the system. In fact, most people seem to think a Cameron government will support the type of society we have at the moment - just doing it rather better. A (perhaps true) belief that any ruling party becomes tired and inefficient and the system needs a hard reboot every now and then. A quite mistaken belief that this is what has caused the current crisis.
So, in the face of these strong arguments (that Thatcher is long gone, that there needs to be a periodic refresh) I don't feel it's enough for me to say 'I have a very bad feeling about this'.
So what else have I got except vague foreboding? I believe that Cameron and his cabinet have a very different view of the direction that Britain should go, which is further out of line with the current equilibrium than people realise.
Here are two indicators, which I think people should think about carefully. The first is that Cameron has broken with the centre-right European grouping that includes Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy, to throw in his lot with the Latvian Fatherland party and the Spanish Francoists.
The second is that Cameron has openly declared he will be implementing economic policies based on the Laffer Curve. Here is Johann Hari quoting Cameron verbatim.
"It's a very difficult calculation about where we are on the Laffer Curve... We have to put this [top rate of tax] in a queue of things we would want to get rid of... and I'm always interested in topping up my study of Laffer."To take the Laffer curve seriously is much more peculiar and unworldly than anything the Greens (for instance) have proposed.
Here is right wing economist and Tory think-tanker Fraser Nelson in the Spectator talking favourably about Laffer. Many of his closest advisors want Cameron to implement libertarian policies. And libertarianism will change Britain in ways I think are extreme and bad.
I just need to say one thing, to be completely frank and honest. If the Lib Dems prop up a Tory Government then they may to some extent ameliorate its extremism, meaning that the worst doesn't happen. That is probably the second-best realistic outcome to hope for. But, it's a risky scary situation to be in, and I wouldn't like the future of the country to rest on it.