Watchmen to Paranoid Android Obviously the video maker was working with very limited footage (the trailers?) Interestingly I think this video uses the film to illuminate the sobbing losing-consciousness feeling of the song, which is different from the typical video, which uses the song to illuminate the visuals. The definition of the visuals is a bit dodgy but nevertheless I think it works best on full screen. The last minute and a half disintegrates the film into an abstract throbbing of colour, so you have to experience it as music-with-visuals. (ETA however, the photoshoppery of Dr M playing the guitar is idiotic and demeaning)
and (more closely matching the film to the song title) Blade Runner to Paranoid Android. Now this is a fine video, which reminds me how bloody good Blade Runner is. And how handsome Harrison Ford was - finest looking man I've ever seen.
Just finished watching that last one again and my heart is thumping in my chest, I nearly cried in the office.