TV Scoop
His role as morally corrupt mercenary Edward Sexby in The Devil's Whore is a little bit of a departure for him, featuring as he does as something of a brooding man of few words. ... as The Master in Doctor Who, he was all manic tapping and maloevolent energy. In The Devil's Whore he's scarred, silent and doesn't really give a monkey's about anyone. He's great, really great.
JS in the Radio Times:
"When I started acting there was a list of parts I wanted to play - cowboy, knight, vampire, all those things. So... when I was offered the part of a swashbuckling hero with a scar and a metal hand, riding on horseback, rescuing the heroine and living feral in a wood, I thought, 'Yes! I've never starred in a Western and this maybe the nearest I come. Sexby is like Clint Eastwood!".