Misreadings: Umberto Eco
Translated essays from an Italian magazine. Not that good to be honest. I expect Eco fans will disagree.
The Princess and the Goblin: George McDonald Fraser (audio)
A favourite book from when I was a child, done as audio. It's a Victorian children's fantasy.
All the pretty horses: Cormac McCarthy
I'm still reading this. I am simultaneously attracted and repelled by Cormac McCarthy's writing, which is so painful it's almost like plunging into freezing water.
The country you have never seen: Joanna Russ
This is really interesting, and I might post about it separately when I finish it. It's a collection of SF reviews by Joanna Russ, dating back to the 1960s and 70s. Fascinating, intelligent, prescient, amusing: albeit sometimes a bit irritable and sketchy (like her novels). I think the bit of the book I haven't got onto yet includes essays. Recommended to SF historians and critics.