Communicator (communicator) wrote,

What David Cronenburg Movie are You?

I wanted to be eXistenZ.

What Cronenberg Movie Are You?

You are: Videodrome - You hate the establishment especially once it's known how the inner structure feeds upon fertile minds all in the name of harmless entertainment. You feel the need to retaliate against the Puppet Masters, at any cost in order to protect the future.
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  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

  • LJ Settings

    At the moment I have set up this journal so that only friends can comment. I hate doing this, but I was just getting too much Russian spam.

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  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

  • LJ Settings

    At the moment I have set up this journal so that only friends can comment. I hate doing this, but I was just getting too much Russian spam.