Communicator (communicator) wrote,

It was twenty years ago today

Memey goodness as we look back... back...

20 years ago:

I have just started my new career as a college lecturer. First slept with H on the eve of the Great Storm. The last few weeks of my old life, before impending motherhood made me a new life. I don't know that the future is rushing towards me like an express train.

10 years ago:

I am working as a writer. H and I have just moved to Coventry. We have two young children aged 9 and 5. I am using the Internet for the first time, and I join a 'Blakes Seven' mailing list. Many members of that list are long standing friends now, and on my lj f-list.

5 years ago:

I am working in my current job, and I hate it. H is working in Sheffield so I don't see him much. I am feeling a bit poorly, and there are medical problems ahead which I don't know about yet. My son is starting to lose interest in education. This was a bad time for me and my family. My brothers and sisters were all in relationships that were to break up over the next couple of years.

2 years ago:

I am recovering from a hysterectomy and I have just begun my hypnotherapy course, and a journey of recovery and improvement of body and mind stretching to the present and hopefully beyond.

1 year ago:

Almost the last time I saw my grandmother before she died on the 17th November. I wish I had known.


Insanely busy day at work. In the evening I listened to my i-Pod, and watched The Wire. H cooked dinner and did the shopping. My daughter is working with a tutor to increase her confidence in maths, he says she'll get an A. My son worked the late shift, coming home tired and hungry, but in a good mood, at about 11pm. How functional and happy my family is compared to five years ago.


Hooray - my entire team are out doing other things so I am on my own in the office. Hence this orgy of posting. I'll probably write a briefing on Gordon Brown's speech this morning. Later though. Lj first.


Last minute panics. In the evening, travelling down to London to stay in a hotel prior to a big seminar at One Whitehall Place on Friday.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

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