It's hard to imagine that for most of the timeline of human beings, for most generations of our ancestors, there was no war. That's because people were spread too thinly, and there wasn't enough surplus to support protracted campaigns. There was violence, but there were no soldiers. Eventually populations reached a certain density, in a wave which spread outwards, and every society had to become a war economy. Any society which was not ready to gear up for war would be (and was) obliterated, or driven out to the most marginal environments. Technology, food surpluses, social roles, moral values, all had to be directed to enable permanent war-readiness.
And that's us, we have been living in permanent war readiness for thousands of years, without any breaks. It's hard to imagine the impact that has had on us, because there is no place on earth, no people left, who haven't been affected by that.
PS - if I misinterpret Ehrenreich or maia, that's my bad not theirs.