Communicator (communicator) wrote,

When six words are just enough

The shortest of the short: six-word novels from various SF writers (and, unaccountably, William Shatner).

New genes demand expression -- third eye.
- Greg Bear

- Harry Harrison

Tick tock tick tock tick tick.
- Neal Stephenson

Easy. Just touch the match to
- Ursula K. Le Guin

Epitaph: Foolish humans, never escaped Earth.
- Vernor Vinge

It cost too much, staying human.
- Bruce Sterling

I’m your future, child. Don’t cry.
- Stephen Baxter

Machine. Unexpectedly, I’d invented a time
- Alan Moore

Gown removed carelessly. Head, less so
- Joss Whedon

your challenge: write six word story

In space, we are the aliens

You're immune to the genius virus

I can't stop the death machine

cross-posted to shortform

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

  • LJ Settings

    At the moment I have set up this journal so that only friends can comment. I hate doing this, but I was just getting too much Russian spam.

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  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

  • LJ Settings

    At the moment I have set up this journal so that only friends can comment. I hate doing this, but I was just getting too much Russian spam.