Communicator (communicator) wrote,

The Golden Generator

Researchers in Israel have discovered that activation of the D4 receptor gene, which limits the number of dopamine sites in the brain, is associated with a stronger sex drive. It is found in 30% of the population, while 60% have this gene switched 'off' (I don't now about the other 10%).

"The rarer D4 variant seems to give the higher performance or desire has been associated with things like novelty seeking, a sort of extroverted personality, as well as attention deficit in children and adolescents."

Always the way - a minority variant becomes 'wrong' instead of just different. Like 'attention deficit' - doesn't that just mean you don't want to sit still when you are a kid, you want to go and run about? It's not wrong, it's just less common, like being left handed.

The gene-to-sex-drive correlation was nearly identical in males and females, although Ebstein noted for self-reports of "how horny you are," men score higher than women.


Anyway, do you think this fits in with you? I'd say I am quite a D4-type personality. It's unclear why having fewer Dopamine-receptors is associated with this constellation of behaviours, but I find it plausible.

Dopamine is interesting stuff. Parkinsons is a dopamine receptor mess-up isn't it? (My mum has that) and Awakenings is an interesting book about the 50-year brain damage of people with serious dopamine deficiency problems who were at the opposite end of the spectrum from the over-active D4s - they could neither move nor speak.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

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  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

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