Communicator (communicator) wrote,


For the first time in weeks I haven't got much to at work today, so I'm catching up with my therapy homework (writing up case studies) and posting to this blog. Tonight I've got my evening class. I am going to record a live counselling session onto a dictation machine, then submit the tape and written analysis of the session to the British association of Counsellors, and that's part of the accreditation system. It's continuous practical assessment more or less.

What doesn't help is that my daughter left for Berlin at 2.30 am last night (school trip - back Sunday) so today I am slightly weary and a bit anxious, though I know she'll be OK.

I booked a last-minute holiday for Spring Bank Holiday weekend (week after next) at a cottage in Fishguard, near the old harbour. Hope it's good. I think just decamping to a new location is useful, it forces you to take a break, but we normally take somewhere in the countryside. I just thought the kids might like to be somewhere they can go and explore under their own steam.

  • Phew what a scorcher

    I see Gove has backed down on climate change and it's back in the curriculum again.

  • GCSE Computer Science

    My book is now for sale

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    At the moment I have set up this journal so that only friends can comment. I hate doing this, but I was just getting too much Russian spam.

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