Which 18th century writer sent her maid to find out why the church bells were ringing? 'Ah, Madam, They are rejoicing that Miss Pamela is married'.
So, a million people sit down on July 16th, and the book opens in mid-July. If the weather had co-operated it would have been even more spooky. The only way the Prime Minister is unlike our own is that he has never heard of Harry Potter.
'Er,' said the Prime Minister, 'listen... it's not a very good time for me ... I'm waiting for a telephone call you see ... from the President of - '
'We shall arrange for the President to forget the call.'
'We are at war, Prime Minister, and steps must be taken!'
'At war?' replied the Prime Minister nervously. 'Surely that's a little bit of an overstatement?'
Note that pinkdormouse is live-blogging chapter by chapter as she reads - with cut-text for spoilers.