Communicator (communicator) wrote,


Intuition: mental processing that isn't accompanied by a conscious trace. Conscious thought leaves a neural track: as you work something out, you also lay down a memory trace of that process. If someone asked you what you were thinking about you could tell them. Unconscious processing is like electricity, the processing just shoots through, without any of the laborious mirroring and tracing, so it's very quick. It also means intuition is a black box, which we can't see into.

Intuition has drawbacks. One is that it is hard to judge the quality of one's own intuitions. They just seem so right. I think that's why intuitive people seem too emotional or aggressive sometimes (eccentric is another one). A second drawback to intuition is that it can fuzz out your alertness to sense data. It can make you careless and lazy and vague.

I don't know whether this tendency to do a lot of processing below the conscious level is a genetic predisposition, or if it is somehow developed by environment, or even by the decisions we make as we grow up.

I'm also not sure why creativity and imagination are held down there. Perhaps they need ultra-fast processing to work.

I think Intuitive people have different tactics for engaging their intuition. Some seek out panic and time-pressure. Others need peace and relaxation. I find walking is good trigger. Also I sort of shake myself (mentally) as if to say 'wake up hoss, we gotta go for a ride'.

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