I think structure is a vitally important aspect of narrative, in particular of films. 'Watchmen' is so intricately structured that one can hardly believe it. In some cases each panel participates in two or three different structural features, while including a further two or three iconic cross-refernces. It is an awesome work.
The plot, the characterisastion, and even the graphical style, are not (IMHO) outstanding. What is awesome is the structure. There are quite a few online sites drawing attention to some of the most interesting features. Here are some links for anyone who is interested.
They say there is a movie coming up - the time is certainly propitious. I tend to think that any movie could be nothing but a pale imitation. I would prefer it to be directed by Terry Gilliam, but that is not looking likely at the moment. It may be scripted (and/or perhaps directed?) by David Hayter, who wrote X2. I hope they don't pick him to direct it. I think Ridley Scott might be a good choice - but what do I know?
Thoughts on casting (groan) to follow.